This was one of my very first Motion Graphics projects at the Art Institute. It is a title sequence for a fictitious cable television series about the supernatural and twins. The title and the cast names were all supplied by our teacher, and our task was to come up with something that represented the theme and tone of the project as given in the project specs.
I was perhaps most proud of the fact that I was able to use what I had just learned in Audio Editing by selecting and editing the music together from two different parts of a larger piece (from the soundtrack of “Dexter”). I used images from 19th century “memento mori,” pictures that people used to have made of their recently deceased family members, just before they were buried. The final image was borrowed from “American Horror Story.” This was a class project, and I do not own rights to any of these images. I used them solely for educational purposes.
Despite whatever imperfects there may be in it, this was one of my favorite projects that I created while at AI.