“Masterful” WordPress Theme

milmondesign-screenshot“Masterful” is another original WordPress theme I designed and created. As I’m sure you’ve noticed, it is the theme I’m using on this portfolio website. I built it from the Underscores starter theme by Automattic, the creators of WordPress.

I was inspired by a website I ran across that had a two-panel layout with a fixed left column containing the header information. Please notice, I said I was inspired by this design but I made sure not to just copy it. Rather, I adapted my previous portfolio site, which had been a static website, and transformed it into this theme that I call “Masterful.”

I wanted to preserve some of things I liked from my previous portfolio site, such as the typeface (“Brandon Grotesque), and the design element of the shadows under each post entry, and I have managed to do that. After I had already begun working on this theme, the latest “Twenty Fifteen” theme from WordPress was released. I admit, I looked at its source code, but I kept on moving forward with what I was already doing. This was a major undertaking, but I am really happy with how it has turned out. I am happiest, though, that I am learning so much and becoming more and more comfortable making my own WordPress themes.